[Infograhic] The Importance of Ergonomic Furniture For Professionals

This infographic titled ‘The Importance of Ergonomic Furniture For Professionals’ will help you figure out how a professionally-designed ergonomic furniture plan can boost your productivity.

Furniture is an important element of an office interior plan. The features of furniture items will decide the level of comfort, convenience, productivity, and utilization of the available space. Let us check the benefits of adding ergonomic furniture to your professional space.

  • Hiring a consultant will deliver ergonomic furniture that will increase comfort and make a working environment more productive. The user’s body will get the best support to avoid unnecessary stresses on the vertebral column.
  • Adding a headset for neck and shoulder support and a backrest for cervical support makes the chairs safer to use for hours and to avoid cervical spondylosis.
  • The height adjustment and the seat depth features are quite essential for proper feet and knee postures to avoid any stress on the lower extremities. Proper distribution of the body weight on hips and feet will help you avert specific musculoskeletal conditions in the long run.
  • Adding new ideas such as a sit-stand desk helps employees to stretch their legs without stopping working.
  • The turnkey solution will also add keyboard configurations that do not put stress on the hands and can deliver excellent typing speed. This plan also adds pivotal monitors along with ergonomic keyboards to avoid repetitive stretching and reaching. This will help employees to avoid fatigue, pain, and numbness in the hands and neck.

Working in an office space with customized ergonomic furniture solution will be ideal for the employees. They will feel less stressed and comfortable to escalate productivity. It is all about empowering dedicated employees by providing them a better workplace and showing that you care.

For more information, please refer to the infographic below.


Old office furniture: trash or treasure?

Many offices plan to change the interiors and furniture so as to give the space a facelift. Believe it or not, a nicely decorated indoor can boost employees’ productivity. Many organizations have introduced ergonomic concepts too, and this has created a positive environment.

Hiring an Office Furniture Consultant can help you in getting ideas on how to reuse your old office furniture if you do not wish to dispose of it.

However, many organizations have refurbished the old furniture so that it fits well into the new concept. Let’s see how you can use old furniture to give your office a brand-new look.

  1. Paint them to match the interior

Brown and wooden textures have become too monotonous and old-fashioned. Why not go for bold hues like lemon yellow, and green themes to create a positive atmosphere? You can colour the walls in bright lemon yellow and put solid colours on the wooden chairs. You can also design some quirky designs on the wall and the furniture.

  1. Bright cushions can make sofas look interesting

No more grey or dull colours for the office interiors. If you don’t wish to change the beige, white, black or brown colour of the lounge sofa, put some solid coloured cushions (red, blue, green, pink, etc.) and see how interesting your furniture and the lounge interiors can look.

  1. Recreate and redesign the existing wooden furniture

Redesigning is always a great idea when you wish to stay within budget and don’t want to invest much in the furniture. You can get the furniture polished and varnished well so that you can fit it in the new interiors of the office.

  1. Exchange furniture

Your old furniture can be your treasure and not trash. You can always exchange the old furniture in your existing office and fetch some new ones with good discounts.

You can take advice from a reputable Office Furniture Consultant who can advice you how you can convert your old office furniture into a modern treasure for your new set-up.

5 Key Elements of a Modern Office Space

Office spaces nowadays are designed keeping in mind the benefits of employees, taking care of their mental and physical health. Ergonomic designs in furniture are in trend, while the office spaces are now equipped with several modern facilities so that the employee feels at home. If you’re looking for Office Furniture consulting services, make sure to research well and hire the best designers in the town.

1. Wellness-based designs
The key focus area of many businesses is productivity, and to enhance the productivity of employees, the offices are designed to prioritize wellness over other factors. The spaces are used smartly to make the office area look spacious. An abundance of sunlight is quite a crucial element of this wellness-based design.

2. Interesting décor
An office area is a place where the employees spend their maximum time, and to make the place more enticing the interiors are designed with beautiful décor that is aesthetically appealing.

3. Adding indoor plants
Green color calms our eyes, so several office spaces now keep indoor plants in and around the office area so that the staff members can de-stress themselves.

4. Comfortable furniture-
The office furniture must be comfortable, or the employee could develop problems like migraine or backache. Many offices also have gym facilities so that the employees can exercise after office hours.

5. Kitchen and lounge area-
Many office spaces also have their kitchen areas where the staff members can cook something and eat. The kitchen has tea/coffee makers installed so that the employees can enjoy and unwind during their caffeine break. They also have lounge areas with plush sofas so that the employees can relax.

Office Furniture consulting firms can help you get the best designs for your office, as they have trained designers to help you out with the matters such as space allocation, furniture designing and color selection

What office décor ideas can help accentuate productivity?

An office is a place of serious business, so it must have some sober décor, right?
Wrong. Do whatever it needs to boost productivity. Talk to the staff, give some rewards for the best performers, and make sure to keep the atmosphere positive so that it boosts the productivity of the employees.

1. Add some elements of nature
It is said that the plants take away the negativity. Add some indoor plants inside the office area to create a harmonious environment. Plants are good for the eyes that are tired of gazing at the laptops.

2. White is gone
White and dull colors like grey, brown, etc. are no longer in trend for office interiors. Use a creative backdrop, use a lot of colours and hues on the walls, get some funky furniture for the office, and see how it affects the employees positively.

3. The office must smell heavenly
One of the crucial factors to enhance creativity and productivity is to get rid of any bad smells. You can use reed diffusers or air fresheners to keep the office area smelling fresh.

4. Neat and tidy décor-
There must be enough gap between the work stations and enough space to move inside the premises.

5. Add a memo board-
A memo board containing daily thoughts, quotations, etc. can motivate the staff members. Keep the memo board in such a place that it is visible from the workstations.

6. Let the sunlight penetrate inside-
Natural light enhances productivity, so make sure to put as many glass windows as to let the sunlight penetrate. Besides enhancing productivity, it can help save big on energy bills too.

7. Keep a lounge area to relax and unwind-
A lounge area inside the working area can be the best place for the staff members to sit, relax, unwind, and share ideas. A lounge can have a sofa, table, and soft light.

You can always check for the latest Office Furniture Design online or ask for expert advice from the office interior designers. Make sure to keep the décor soothing to the eyes!

Office Furniture Design

If you are looking to redecorate your office, you will definitely need a good office furniture design. You need to choose the right kind of furniture for your office so that the viability as well as the aesthetics of the office is maintained.
Here are a few tips about the right kind of office furniture:

1. You have to choose the right kind of furniture which is functional and doesn’t just look fancy. Figure out your needs and requirements and then purchase the entire furniture.

2. The style of the furniture also matters. In case your office is small, do not go for extremely bulky and luxurious furniture pieces. If you are working at a junior level in the organization, choose elegant furniture which does not look unattractive.

3. Measure your office space and then go for the office furniture design. The worst heartbreak is when you buy furniture and it does not fit into your office space. So, keep in mind the dimensions related to the space where are you going to place the furniture.

4. You have to pick the right chair which is ideal for your office space, your height, and your weight as well. One more thing that people often miss out is that the height of the chair must be compatible with your desk.

5. You must also have some storage space in your office so that when you have to keep files and other equipments, it does not look untidy and it is kept in specific storage space in your office.

Now that we know the office furniture plays a very important role in one’s life and what is the right kind of furniture, start redecorating and make your office the best one. After all, a well-furnished office creates a great vibe and tends to attract more customers.

5 reasons to go for Ergonomic Office Furniture

This info-graphic titled ‘5 reasons to go for Ergonomic Office Furniture’ provides us an outline of common reasons to choose Ergonomic furniture for offices.In stressful work environment, ergonomic seating is not just a luxury, but a necessity. This is because employees who sit for long periods of time in demanding office, government, military, transportation, law enforcement or other environments face circumstantial challenges that ergonomic furniture counteract.
A study says 25% of workers experience pain at their desks on a regular basis, which can lead to distraction, decreased productivity, health issues and sick days. Ergonomic chairs prevent this common suffering in several ways. When more than one employee uses a particular desk, finding an effective seating option for various body types can be quite tricky. Ergonomic furniture solves this issue by providing customized solutions in adjustable seat height and armrests, along with adequate seat width and depth for various employees. This makes employees more convergent and productive, as well as by prevent work-related injuries and diseases. Those who fuel their workplace furniture ergonomically, can make a dramatic difference in employee productivity and job satisfaction, as well as in costs of business.
For more information, please refer to the info-graphic below.


Five Reasons to go for an elegant office furniture

This info-graphic titled ‘Five Reasons to go for an elegant office furniture’ provides us an overview of common reasons to maintain office furniture.
The furniture is considered the centerpiece of any establishment, be it a house, office or business space. In a modern-day workplace setting, the furniture plays an essential role in the ambiance of the workplace, giving a safe and relaxing atmosphere and a feel of comfort to all the occupants of the office. The main role of an organized furniture is to promote efficient operation in the workplace by allowing people perform their activities (seating, eating, sleeping, reading, working etc.) conveniently.
Implications of having a great furniture-set in the office and workplace.
There are actually many compelling reasons the best among them is to enhance the productivity of the employees. The benefits of good furniture choices and setting can give holistic benefits for the business. They not only benefit the occupants of the offices, but business as an entire entity is also benefited from the enhanced image brought about by improvements in furniture. Ultimately, a good image of the company will attract more customers, and increase the goodwill.
For more information, please refer to the info-graphic below.


How Organizations Should Buy New Furniture?

Buying furniture for an office is not an everyday task. In most organizations, it happens rarely but when it does happen, the task seems to need to be restarted from scratch. Every purchase call for tender starts with drawing up the inventory of the needs of the internal or external customer. Sustainability can be incorporated at this stage by considering whether the purchase is truly necessary and whether a more environmentally friendly alternative might be available.

These are a few occasions when organizations buy new furniture for their offices:

• The organization decides to move offices- When organizations expand or move from one place to another they generally need to install furniture in their new office. Getting in touch with office furniture manufacturers, sellers and dealers is usually the next step. But instead of directly going to the dealer one might be better off going to an independent specialist with the right skills, experience and market knowledge. Such advisory services are independent of all manufacturers and can create value in your furniture procurement process.

• To refurbish- When the office premises need to be completely refurbished with a new theme or design. Such refurbishment or redecoration is occasionally required in every organization but the time when they might make such decisions vary. An independent specialist can help you assess your needs properly and then match them with the suppliers and their available product ranges.

• Technological and business pressures the organization into buying new furniture. With fast-growing technology and ever-evolving businesses, the need to adapt to the latest trend is crucial. Hence, more organizations are updating and installing their office furniture in accordance with the modern-day styles.

Going to an independent advisor makes sense on such occasions . Their knowledge of the market helps them negotiate a deal on your behalf usually better than you would otherwise be able to achieve. Use their expertise to match your exact needs, scan and source the market fully and finally to save money on good deals often turns out to be an easy decision to make. What are you waiting for?

How Do Office Furniture Procurement Advisory Services Work?

Office furniture procurement advisory services help organizations ensure that logical, commercially cost-effective and time-saving decisions are made. What is required in the way of effective furniture advice is a clear understanding of the features and benefits of the furniture and its supporting services, the amount needed to be spent, the ability to cross-match that to the suppliers and to ascertain the availability of the products.

Dealers are often tied to relatively small number of manufacturers even though there are hundreds of possible suppliers out there from whom you can decide to buy. Thus, only an office furniture procurement advisory service can help you contact a wide range of options, suppliers and thus help you choose those which best fits your needs.

• The goal of the procurement advisor is to simplify the process of furniture purchase.
• When an office requires new furniture it is always advisable to contact a procurement advisory service as they will be able to assess your needs and determine the best fit.

Furniture purchase procedures:

• Contact procurement advisor- They will assess what the department is looking for and guide you to the most appropriate suppliers. As they are linked with many suppliers, you can get the furniture to your specifications and with lower costs.

• You can always discuss with your advisor required significant design services and how to coordinate the project according to your needs.

• With the help of your office furniture procurement advisor, you can determine the delivery and installation timetable to ensure the overall needs of the project are met and no delays are allowed to happen.

• Planning plays a key role when it comes to design and installation of office furniture. The organizations should ideally establish their expectations at the outset of the project for the project to have a chance at a fruitful completion.

How Office Furniture can Increase Productivity?

Every single piece of furniture at a workplace can play an important part in boosting an employee’s productivity. You can take your office output to an entirely different level by adding chic and ergonomic furniture. That’s also the reason why offices often consider a workplace makeover, in changing their old boring furniture with new and stylish woodwork.

Because looking for new furniture is often a time-consuming task, as you have to repeatedly explain your needs, have to look for a dealer who will provide deals from different manufacturers; or devote time and resources looking for manufacturers on your own. While shopping for furniture it is also required to have an understanding of the features and benefits of the furniture you are buying, understanding the support services needed, availability of the furniture, its right price, look of your office space, as well as accommodation in the available space. If you want to be freed from all ofthese functional and logistical hassles, then having JSA Consultancy Services by your side is a big advantage.
JSA Consultancy Services has the skills, market knowledge, experience, and will to ensure that you make the right decision while buying any piece of office furniture. From assisting in planning, to matching with supplier’s catalogs and their products, to negotiating deals, JSA Consultancy Services assists you throughout the process.
Some ways in which great office furniture may enhance overall productivity of a workplace are:

• Boring furniture in the office not only makes one lazy but also makes one feel irritated. Employees often lose interest in work due to tedious old furniture and it can affect their productivity.
• Bright colorsalleviates stress, and increases productivity; as bright and cool colors assist in lifting mood. Therefore, choosing bright color furniture is often the right decision.
• With furniture, cleanliness is also important, as it shows care. An organized office thus enhances the enthusiasm of workers because they feel someone cares.
• Keeping devicesin handy places, such as keeping printers or any other common office accessory at an easily accessible place speeds up work thus boosting output.
• Good lighting in the office is a must as it increases quality of work apart from makinga person more motivated.
Thus a bright and vibrant workplace has a big psychological impact on employees. It creates interest, boosts morale as well as creates an attractive image not only for employees but also for visitors.
So if you are also looking to transform your office ambience, contact JSA Consultancy Services today and let us show you the best way to do it.