Roger Martin-Fagg’s latest Economic Newsletter, which includes the setting of his views of today’s situation in an historical context. I hope you find it interesting.….
Roger believes: "….. there is significant pent-up demand (which) will surge when freedom is restored, hopefully in Q2. If there are no further lockdowns, this will cause inflationary growth. This will not result in higher interest rates, unless and until wages take off".

Published By John Sacks - JSA Consultancy ServicesOn Feb 2021

The latest Economic update from Roger Martin-Fagg – one of the UK’s leading economists; happy reading….
Roger believes: “….there is a palpable sense of optimism on the airwaves. Families will enjoy Christmas, vaccines will be available for the old and vulnerable in the next three months and, by the end of the summer, the nation will be fully protected”

Published By John Sacks - JSA Consultancy ServicesOn Dec 2020

The latest and encouraging update from Roger Martin-Fagg – one of the UK’s leading economists
Roger predicts: “At the time of writing there is no recession. The definition of recession is two successive quarters of negative growth, which I do not think will happen.”

Published By John Sacks - JSA Consultancy ServicesOn Jun 2020

A summary and review of the questions posed and responses to the survey of the UK Office Furniture market carried out in June 2020.

Published By John Sacks - JSA Consultancy ServicesOn

Published By WORLDFURNITUREonline.comOn Sep 2019

Published By John Sacks - JSA Consultancy ServicesOn May 2019
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