Choosing The Perfect Office Furniture

If you are planning to renovate your office , you may require furniture that refreshes the look of your office. But choosing furniture for offices is not as easy as it seems. Your workspace needs furniture that saves space and does not fill up the entire office space.

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This info-graphic  ‘ECONOMIC UPDATE AUGUST 2021’ gives us an overview of post pandemic rise in inflation around the World and suggested  courses of action.


British consumer prices rose by more than anticipated last month as fuel and clothing costs surged following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Much of the inflat....
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[Infographic] Five key characteristics of the best Office Furniture

This info-graphic titled ‘Five key characteristics of the best Office Furniture’ provides us an overview of attributes of office furnishings.


The furniture is considered the centerpiece of any organization, such as a house, office or working space. In a....
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Roger Martin Fagg’s August Economic Update

The August 2021 economic update released by Roger Martin Fagg focuses on whether the current increase in inflammation marks the start of a new inflammatory growth cycle or just a short-term blip. The different types of inflammatory measures available out there can offer something to both politicians and analysts.

Do you know that the RPI ....
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[Infographic] How Hiring a Furniture Consultant Can Help Save Money?

This info-graphic titled ‘How Hiring a Furniture Consultant Can Help Save Money?’ provides us with an overview of roles and responsibilities of a furniture consultant.

Furniture creation has been an art form for hundreds of years. Furniture consultants are professionals who advise on furnishings to be ....
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How much is used office furniture worth?

Used office furniture is generally estimated to be worth around 50% to 60% of its original purchase price. However, this value only applies to furniture which is in good condition and where the models that are still in production. Take an example to give you a clear idea of how....
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[Infographic] Post COVID UK-Economic Predictions for 2021:

This infographic titled ‘Post COVID UK-Economic Predictions for 2021’ provides us an overview of business predictions.

For the first time in what seems like forever, we can look back to 2020 and feel way better. A year ago, we were all at sea about the future direction of the economy when forecasts were being downgraded on a regular b....
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[Infographic] Four Steps To Efficiently Budget For Your Office Furniture:

This info-graphic entitled ‘Four Steps To Efficiently Budget Your Office Furniture’ provides us with a guideline to efficiently budgetting your office furniture.

When it comes to office furniture, the credo of setting one standard for everyone in order to save costs ....
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Roger Martin Fagg releases latest Economic Update

Roger Marin Fagg’s latest economic update starts with the author acknowledging that he has understood the need for content to be kept clear and simple. Roger then takes us through a detailed introduction to the development of economic thinking. The author also talks about how m....
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Selecting Modern Furniture For Your Office

Most businesses  decide to get new office furniture when they are upgrading to larger premises  or when they need  to accommodate more employees. Selecting new office furniture is something you should tak....
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