[Infographic] UK’s Financial Forecast: What Experts See on the Horizon

The UK’s economic pulse has been relatively subdued since 2005, with annual growth rates averaging a mere 0.73% compared to the historical average of 2.1% since 1970. A substantial portion of household wealth, 52%, is tied up in real estate, with pensions and land accounting for 30% and 14% respectively. Real wealth, particularly in equiti....
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United Kingdom Economy : Reports on Labour Supply

As we stand at the crossroads of economic stagnation and potential revitalization, it’s critical to acknowledge the capricious ceiling that labor supply constraints and chronic under-investment have imposed on our growth horizons. A modest 1.8% annual real growth rate may seem a pittance in light of histori....
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[Infographic] The 2024 Economic Landscape

In the tapestry of global economics, money supply growth is akin to the vital threads that intertwine to sustain the vibrancy of short-term market movements. As we cast our analytical gaze back to September 2022, a subtle yet significant fraying becomes apparent—the contraction of both bank lending and broader money aggregates has sent ripples....
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The 2024 Economic Landscape

Amidst the bustling cafes and gleaming office towers that form the backbone of Britain’s service-led economy, a silent storm brews in the ledger books: productivity languishes while wages gallantly soar. One cannot help but draw parallels to Icarus, whose waxen wings melted as he neared the sun—our wage growth may well be flying too clos....
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How AI-powered Automation is Transforming the UK Economy?

Welcome to the latest economic update for June 2023 in United Kingdom, brought to you by renowned behavioral economist Roger Martin-Fagg. The emergence of AI-powered automation has significantly transformed the UK economy, revolutionizing various sectors and driving growth. This trans-formative impact is evident in industries such as manufacturi....
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[Infographic] Pretend Economic Indicators – GDP, GDP Deflator & Productivity

Inflation is a three-way tug of war between household, business and the government. There’s plenty of supply out there. We have 3 trillion labor hours in America alone. But it’s not as essential as it used to be because of technology. But on the other hand, healthcare costs are rising and many are concerned that our debt is growing f....
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Why A Recession Over The Next 18 Months Looks Almost Certain?

We are in the midst of an inflationary boom.  Many people have increased their incomes without increasing their output.  Inflation was never going to be temporary with $17 trillion of new incomes and little increase in output. A good proportion of this money is still waiting to be spent.  Already inflation is reducing its purchasing power, bu....
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[Infographic] Economic Update: The Next Recession is Likely to be Around the Corner

This info-graphic entitled ‘Economic Update: The next recession is likely to be around the corner’ provides us an overview of economic update.

We are likely to see an increase in interest rates in the coming months. This will cause the price of money to drop, increasing the price of holding onto cash and reducing its ....
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Roger Martin-Fagg’s latest Economic Update

Readers who have been following the economic updates of Roger Martin Fagg will remember that Roger had mentioned that we should expect significant issues with labor supply after the end of lockdown. The main culprit behind the labor supply issues was considered by many as Brexit. However, in his latest economic update, Roger claims that the reas....
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This info-graphic  ‘ECONOMIC UPDATE AUGUST 2021’ gives us an overview of post pandemic rise in inflation around the World and suggested  courses of action.


British consumer prices rose by more than anticipated last month as fuel and clothing costs surged following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Much of the inflat....
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