Entries by jsa_blogs

Inflation and money supply growth predictions 2022-23

An above-average growth fueled by productivity gains is expected from this year onwards. Over the next few years, major economies, in general, will witness lower profits and an increase in wages. This increase in wages due to changing demographics will ensure growth in consumer demand. This will also account for growth in automation and AI. […]

The Basic Furniture Required to Organize Your Office Interior

Impressive interiors define the office standards. Ergonomic furniture, modern artwork, and proper space allocation make the office worth mentioning. You cannot invite clients if you have old and worn-out furniture. A stereotypical interior also negatively affects the productivity of the employees. If you are looking for some quirky and functional office furniture, my advice would be to […]

[Infographic] Three Benefits of Working With a Furniture Dealership

This info-graphic titled ‘Three Benefits of working with a Furniture Dealership’ provides us an overview of importance of furniture Consultant/dealer. Have you ever walked into a working space and been energized and inspired by the environment? That doesn’t happen by any chance. This experience was created for you by the interior design team along with […]

Factors to Consider While Choosing Office Furniture

It is said that – ‘change is the only constant.’ The above-mentioned quote is quite relevant while you are planning to renovate or expand your office interiors. A good interior designer would concentrate on the aesthetics and look of your office, so make sure to consider some points before you proceed to purchase or remodel […]

[Infographic] Workspace Design Trends: A Primer

This info-graphic titled ‘Workspace Design Trends: A Primer’ provides us an overview of office fit outs trends. Employers that understand this will dominate in the competition to pull in talent in a shrinking labor force. The fight for top talent has brought forth a rapid transformation in workplace design. Knowing how contemporary office design stimulates […]

Roger Martin-Fagg’s latest Economic Update

Readers who have been following the economic updates of Roger Martin Fagg will remember that Roger had mentioned that we should expect significant issues with labor supply after the end of lockdown. The main culprit behind the labor supply issues was considered by many as Brexit. However, in his latest economic update, Roger claims that […]